What do we want? U.S. Out!
- by Keith Rosenthal
BURLINGTON, VT-Close to 75 people marched through the center of Burlington this past Sunday, February 15, despite temperatures well below zero. The protest was against the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq, and in commemoration of the 10 million-person-strong global anti-war demonstration that occurred at the same time last year.
People chanted, "Job cuts, health cuts, we know why . . . $87 billion to occupy!" and spoke about the need to rebuild a movement to bring the troops home from Iraq. The march was organized by the Burlington Anti-War Coalition (BAWC) and Pax Christi.
In addition to planning teach-ins and local marches, BAWC is also organizing buses to go to the anti-occupation protest on March 20 in New York City, which has been called as an international day of protest. This will be the first time since February 15th of last year that the whole world shows that it is still opposed to the war on Iraq.
Events such as these are important in rebuilding the kind of movement that can help to force the U.S. out of Iraq, and give that country back to its rightful owners. The next steps are to make deeper links with military families, GIs, and Arab and Palestinian activists. All out for March 20!
Keith Rosenthal is an activist in Burlington, Vermont. He can be reached at keithmr81@yahoo.com.