"we danced the anarchist waltz"

with the stereo humming apocalyptic tunes
we danced the anarchist waltz
listened to presidential addresses
fire alarms and campaign speeches
stock lines, financial updates
marked down-dates (days)(as if you knew)
health(who)cares programs
and homeland security programs
we pissed on them all...

spoke about democracy
about equality
and blood running
and open mouths
starving mouths
about beautiful eyes
closed eyes
and constitutions
(even institutions)
and jefferson
and crumpled old yellow paper
and dead people...

filled jails
long lines of the empty
and lost souls (they're not dead yet, nikolai)
and tired hands
and old hands
and an open hand...

about trees
and tree huggers (with/with-out negative connotation)
and empty parking lots
abandoned hollow buildings
and forests
and the smell of rain on your hands in may...

all the shirts you wore were red
the words you spoke were tiny (always with parentheses holding in bigger thoughts)
the times, you said, would be better
the people, you said, will learn (not the textbook kind either)
the tears on your face someday would be gone

where are you now, i can't breathe

Discussion List Issues: Debating Differences Between Vietnam and Iraq (1) Debating Differences Between Vietnam and Iraq (2) The Present Crisis of US Imperialism Is Marxism Still Relevant? (1) Is Marxism Still Relevant? (2) Is Marxism Still Relevant? (3) To join our discussion list, go here Join Our Info. List:
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